Monday, January 24, 2011

The blog thus far...

It is that time when I review your blog to date, and make comments about going forward.

I found initially when you started blogging a real sense of excitement regarding the elections and events surrounding Aung San Suu Kyi - the blog begin with a bang - well done! And I found that as I log on each week, I'm keen to learn more about Burma, but unless I'm mistaken, I only note two posts in the new year, both on Jan 16, I think, the last one a link to an on-line newspaper. You mention it's a propaganda tool for the military junta: why? Discuss an article in it. It might be useful as a link you can access any time, rather than a posting. It will certainly be useful as "cannon fodder" going forward. So, although I'm impressed by what you've written, I don't get the sense of events and the country being trended. That's really your challenge, Kirstin, remain engaged with blog, and then develop it and with it your expertise. Are there other links you could include? Does Kyi have a website of or a blog? Have an major articles been written on Burma in the recent past in major publications? Are there any books in Chapters or the library that will help you develop further your expertise? And of course what's happening with the election?

I've included a couple of stories below about Burma that may get you thinking: The first is from the Wall Street Journal, posted tomorrow (Asia is a day ahead), and also contains video footage.

The other is from the Guardian (UK) on line. It contains a plethora of important information, including links to Aung San Suu Kyi's pages, material on Human Rights, the dictatorship, the Burma Daily, an interactive guide and a profile of Than Shwe.

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